About Us
CLuB is the All-Ireland Cancer Liquid Biopsies Consortium Emerging Hub of Excellence, whose commitment to excellence in research and teaching brings together academic institutions, cancer researchers at all career stages, patients, policymakers and industry representatives across the Island of Ireland. In March 2022, the programme was awarded €4 million in funding under the HEA North South Research Programme, for which we are very grateful.

Our Mission
CLuB’s mission is to unify and create synergism by collating and sharing expertise on individual components of liquid biopsies as well as biobanks of lung, ovarian, and breast cancer samples and associated databases that are currently fragmented in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
CLuB enables expert groups who are presently working independently on different tissue/blood samples to work cooperatively on common samples with shared goals; thus, significantly improving the quality and efficacy of the research and clinical outcomes.